Eureka Status for Ultra-Rapid Multiplex Food Pathogen Test

10 Mar 2008

RnA Assays b.v. (Netherlands) and Alaska Food Diagnostics Ltd (UK) have been awarded intergovernmental Eureka status for an innovative pathogen detection test being developed for meat producers.

Used in diagnostic laboratories, the new RnA multi-analyte Plex™ assay detects microbial and non-microbial contaminations simultaneously in a single animal-derived sample. The assay is applied at flock, herd or abattoir level to establish the contamination status of an animal population, and allows producers and resellers to predict the quality and assure the safety of final processed food products. RnA are working with Alaska to develop a rapid high-throughput version of the Plex™ assay system which provides multiple results in one sample run.

Based at the UK government’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) at Porton Down, Alaska has exploited patented Adenylate Kinase (AK) Phage™ technology to develop the highly sensitive and specific fastrAK™ rapid microbiology system. This presents a significant technological advance to the global food processing industry sector by offering same-shift Time To Result (TTR) for E. coli 0157 and early-next-day results for Salmonella tests.

RnA launched its first MultiPlex RnAssay™, Sal Plex™, in June 2007 during the annual Med-Vet-Net in Italy. Serological analyses can be performed on thousands of samples within 24 hours, like the coming RnAssay™ product, Sulfo Plex™, for the detection of residues of sulphonamide antibiotics in meat, milk, plasma and serum. The Sal Plex™ results can differentiate simultaneously between five different Salmonella serogroups (B, C1, C2, D, E). The RnAssay™ technology enables stakeholders to make a fingerprint of the quality and safety of products becoming food.

Alaska and RnA are working together to provide meat producers and importers with improved tools and technology for rapid and reliable food safety and quality control testing. From livestock through to food service (farm to fork), this will help to achieve the stated objective of all European Governments and Food Safety Agencies to reduce foodborne diseases.

