Eurofins Genomics Launches a Revolutionary Rapid-Turnaround, Lower-Cost DNA Synthesis Service

18 Nov 2016
Lois Manton-O'Byrne
Executive Editor

Eurofins Genomics, the pioneer of high-throughput oligonucleotide synthesis, announced the launch of a limited beta program for its new DNA synthesis service for scientists who need small quantities of very high-quality starting material for routine molecular and synthetic biology applications. The service is based on the company’s revolutionary new DNA synthesizer that rapidly generates high-fidelity, QC-verified oligos.

Researchers in academic, clinical, diagnostic, agbio, biotech, and pharmaceutical laboratories routinely develop PCR-based assays that require small quantities of primers—chemically synthesized strands of custom DNA.

Gene synthesis and related synthetic biology projects also require very small quantities of high-quality oligonucleotides in order to more easily and efficiently assemble into error-free DNA. Traditional high-throughput oligonucleotide synthesizers produce DNA strands in quantities that exceed the requirements of many experiments, forcing scientists to pay for more than they need. Emerging microarray- or chip-based methods, on the other hand, generate too little DNA, are only suitable for niche applications, and require additional enzymatic processing before being useful. By delivering only the volumes needed, Eurofins Genomics is drastically reducing users’ costs while meeting the high quality and fast turnaround times they expect.

“Many companies claim to have built the best next-generation synthesizer, but they suffer from low-quality product, downstream issues, or higher costs,” said Martin Kunz, President, Eurofins Genomics. “With the help of aerospace engineers, we have successfully designed a next-generation DNA synthesizer that produces very high-quality, lower-yield oligos (between 0.5 and 4 nanomoles) at a dramatically reduced cost. We believe our innovation will lower barriers and usher in a new era of research and scientific progress, and invite interested parties to apply for our limited beta program taking place now through December.”

Earlier this year, Eurofins Genomics moved its North American headquarters to Louisville and built a new state-of-the art lab to improve our service and turn-around times, in order to provide customers with the fastest delivery times in the industry. When the beta program is complete, the new synthesis service will launch in early 2017 with next-day delivery to reduce users’ project timelines.

“After the beta program is complete, we intend to launch in early 2017 the most reliable and robust DNA synthesis service with the fastest delivery times in the industry,” added Kunz. “Customers will be able to place orders later and receive their DNA orders earlier in the next day, increasing convenience and reducing project timelines.”

