Europe's first industrial genome project using 454 technology delivered by GATC

22 Dec 2006

GATC is the first sequencing company in Europe to deliver sequence data of a genome produced on a GS 20* sequencing machine to an industrial corporate group.

This 454 data will be assembled in combination with sequence data produced with the classic Sanger technology using DNASTAR's SeqMan Pro™ software. The genome project will be finished and ready for publication in January 2007. Project details will be revealed at a later date due to confidentiality reasons.

GATC announced at the end of October to be the first sequencing company to to provide 454 data for genome sequencing. Combining the traditional Sanger technology with the new 454 technology, genomes can be sequenced and analysed in half the usual project time, with a considerable reduction in the number of contigs and gaps and with considerable cost advantages.

*GS20 is a trademark of Roche Diagnostics

