European Microscopy Congress (emc2012) - Scientific Programme Released

21 Jun 2012
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

The Scientific Programme for the 15th European Microscopy Congress (emc2012) includes six plenary talks, 123 invited speakers, and 330 contributed oral presentations spread across 64 sessions that embrace light and electron microscopy.

The move towards a more balanced programme of Life and Physical Sciences has made it possible for five sessions under the title “Imaging brain structure and function across different spatial and temporal scales” to appear for the first time.

“This is a very positive development,” said Professor Tony Wilson, President of the RMS, and a Vice Chair of the Conference. “We have attracted high-profile invited speakers in Zoltan Nusser, Valentin Nägerl, Jason Rothman, Axel T Brunger, Stephen Smith, David DiGregorio, Thomas Nevian, Judit Makara, Nathalie Rochefort, Troy Margrie, Angus Silver, and Thomas Mrsic-Flogel. We see this as a beginning, and as something that will become an integral part of all future EMC events.”

“We received over 1,200 abstracts, and many subject areas proved very popular,” said Dr Debbie Stokes, the emc2012 Congress Chair. “The committees were faced with the very difficult but rewarding task of selecting those papers that would be presented orally. We were seeking innovative work that will make a big impact on the audience, and that will prompt questions and discussions long after a session has finished. We are very pleased with the final programme and we are now looking forward to a great conference.”

The quality and balance of the conference is matched by an exhibition that will have over 1,700m2 of stand space. This has been booked by more than 100 manufacturers and suppliers of equipment and consumables for light, electron and scanning probe microscopy, plus spectroscopy and cytometry.

The conference includes an extensive “poster village” with over 730 posters being presented over the course of five days. It promises to be a busy and vibrant place.

“We have ‘late-breaking’ sessions in the Life and Physical Science symposia, and we are accepting abstracts for poster presentations right up until 31st August,” said Dr Stokes. “If you are anticipating exciting results between now and then, I would encourage you to submit an abstract and to play your part in emc2012.”

The 15th European Microscopy Congress opens on Sunday 16th September with registration from 1pm. The Pre-Congress workshops are scheduled for the afternoon, and are followed by two plenary lectures, and then a drinks reception in the evening. The conference and exhibition run from Monday 17th to Friday 21st September.

