EUSTM Announces the Annual Congress of the European Society for Translational Medicine & Global Network Conference on Translational Medicine (EUSTM-2013)

24 Jul 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

The European Society for Translational Medicine (EUSTM) is pleased to announce the Annual Congress of the European Society for Translational Medicine & Global Network Conference on Translational Medicine (EUSTM-2013) that will convene 14 to 16 October 2013 in Mondorf, Luxembourg. EUSTM-2013 will herald the beginning of a new era for translational medicine in Europe.

EUSTM is a global non-profit neutral platform for the advancement and progress of Translational Medicine. Translational medicine has gained significant attention from academia, funding bodies, health care policy makers as well as pharma and biotech industry due to its promise to enhance overall quality of global health care. The society's goal is to facilitate research and development of novel and affordable diagnostic tools and treatments for clinical disorders affecting global population.

EUSTM will hold its inauguration ceremony for the Global Translational Medicine consortium (GTMC), the first world-wide alliance between academia and industry that aims to identify critical needs and enhance the development and translation of cutting edge research findings and discoveries into novel and affordable diagnostic tools and therapeutics by using translational medicine expertise and approaches.

EUSTM-2013 will also hold its inauguration ceremony for the Translational Medicine Professional Certification program, a long needed certification especially relevant to industry professionals. This certification provides an evaluation of translational medicine skills and knowledge that will aid industry as they search for experts in the translational medicine field.
