Explore the new Monolith Antibody Labeling Kit!

27 Jan 2017
Emily Adam
Publishing / Media

NanoTemper Technologies has launched the new Monolith Antibody Labeling Kit. This kit greatly facilitates antibody interaction analysis and circumvents potential shortcomings of conventional labeling and immobilization approaches for antibodies. Non-specific protocols that target highly-abundant lysines, for example, yield a heterogeneous mix of antibodies and lead to poor batch-to-batch reproductivity in downstream studies.

Selective reduction of intrachain disulfides and subsequent conjugation with the NT647-maleimide dye provides an excellent approach for efficient labeling of antibodies for MST binding assays. Labeled antibodies can be used to determine the affinities of various binding partners, irrespective of their binding site (Fc or Fab segments) using the same experimental settings.

Major Advantages

  • Efficient:
    • Well-defined labeling efficiency
    • Most flexible assay setup for MST - all binding sites remain accessible
    • Established NT-647 fluorophore for best MST results
  • Selective:
    • Unique, site-specific labeling
    • Highly reproducible
  • Not limited by:
    • Immobilization and steric hindrance
    • Regeneration conditions
    • Mass transport effects

How does it work?

NanoTemper Technologies' Monolith Antibody Labeling Kit is based on selective reduction of interchain disulfide bonds, which is an established method for generating ADCs. Free cysteines obtained from disulfide bonds can be targeted by a maleimide-based labeling strategy. This site-specific labeling approach ensures a homogeneous antibody sample. Label your antibody and measure binding events to any interaction partner, Fc-receptors or antigens!

Download the application note learn how this kit helps you with your antibody research projects.

