Extended Mass Spectrometry Imaging Services from Protea

2 Apr 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Explore your sample data in a whole new dimension with our new extended service portfolio from Protea's Mass Spec Imaging Center (MSIC™). Offering service packages for a wide variety of sample types and applications, the MSIC brings you access to direct sample analysis with LAESI-MSI as well as more traditional workflows with MALD-MSI.

Our imaging experts can provide you with high-resolution distribution profile maps in two and three dimensions for tissues, biofilms, living cell cultures, bacteria, and fungal colonies. With industry leading expertise and experience, we can generate the most detailed and compelling molecular imaging data of your samples.

Check out our new website and configure your project online today. Feel free to contact our project coordinators directly to plan your study and to discuss how we can complete your imaging project.

Protea's Mass Spectrometry Imaging Center is focused to provide services based on the analysis of distribution of compounds in biological samples, both in vivo or ex vivo. Our portfolio of services is supported by an established business infrastructure and processes to ensure your samples are handled in the best possible manner.

