Extended sieve calibration standards on show at Analytica 2008 as Whitehouse Scientific celebrates 25th year in business

3 Mar 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

The latest additions to the Whitehouse Scientific range of sieve calibration standards will be shown on the company’s stand at this year’s Analytica (1-4 April 08, Munich, Germany). The size range covered has been further extended, increasing the maximum size from the previous 3.35 mm diameter to 10 mm.

2008 is also a special year for Whitehouse Scientific as the company celebrates its silver anniversary, having now produced and certified glass microspheres for 25 years. In that time the company has become established as the leading laboratory for glass reference standards and has produced more than one million single-shot bottles.

Whitehouse Scientific has also developed a new method of pore size analysis in filter media, measuring sizes from 5-1000 microns. Where filter efficiencies are required, maximum pore sizes down to 3 microns can be determined.

All the standards, whether used for size calibration or pore size determination are NIST traceable. Visit Stand No: A1/357 to discuss your particle analysis or filtration calibration needs.

