Extract, Retain, and Share Analytical Knowledge

5 Mar 2012
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

ACD/Labs will introduce ACD/Spectrus Workbooks at PITTCON 2012 — a portfolio of technique-specific software for spectroscopists, spectrometrists, and separations scientists that provide advanced data processing, interpretation, and information management. This new generation of expert tools builds upon almost two decades of experience developing applications and algorithms for analytical chemists.

Advanced Processing and Interpretation at your Desktop

Continuing collaborations with major instrument vendors mean that ACD/Labs support the majority of file formats for all major instruments and techniques. Giving scientists the freedom to process and analyze data away from the instrument, at their desktop.

Chemical Intelligence in the Treatment of Analytical Data

The foundation for the chemical intelligence in Workbooks is built on an unprecedented ability to truly integrate chemical structures with analytical data. The ability to fully handle chemical ambiguity with Markush structures; to automatically evaluate and associate atoms in a chemical structure with their 1D and 2D NMR measurements; along with compound fragmentation and Auto Assignment in MS; are just a few examples of innovative scientific algorithms that are available in various Spectrus Workbooks.

Multi-technique Processing and Interpretation

All Spectrus Workbooks include ACD/Spectrus Processor, allowing you to process and interpret analytical data for all techniques (NMR, LC/UV/MS, IR, Raman, and more).

A Project Environment to Organize all Study-Related Information

All study-related information can be organized in one place for each individual or team. Connected in a chemically relevant way, analytical, chromatographic and chemical information can be displayed, reviewed and studied as a whole. This helps to facilitate the decision-making process for the current project and provides a collaborative science environment for your organization.

Knowledge Management and Sharing for Collaborative Science

Capturing the relationship between analytical data, chemical structure, and the scientist’s decision-making in electronic form represents the core of ACD/Spectrus Workbooks. Store, search, and retrieve annotated and interpreted analytical data easily using the database read and write capabilities.

As part of ACD/Spectrus chemical and analytical knowledge management, the Workbooks surpass traditional data storage and access limitations to enable thorough knowledge-sharing within laboratories and departments, throughout and even between organizations, both today and for future problems and projects.

The Spectrus Workbooks can be seen at ACD/Labs booth, #1174, at Pittcon 2012.

