Extreme Fidelity, High Speed, Long Range, Robust Performance NEW KAPAHiFi™ HotStart DNA Polymerase has it all.

17 May 2009
Emily Marquez-Vega
Publishing / Media

Now available from Anachem, the NEW Kapa Biosystems KAPAHiFi™ HotStart DNA Polymerase is a novel single-enzyme system evolved specifically for extreme fidelity and robustness.

KAPAHiFi™ HotStart has been engineered to have an increased affinity for DNA without the need for accessory protein domains. The intrinsic high processivity of the enzyme results in significant improvements in yield, sensitivity, speed, target length, and the ability to amplify difficult templates.

Typical proofreading polymerases require extension times of 1 - 2 minutes per kilobase. KAPAHiFi™ HotStart requires extension times of just 30 seconds per kilobase, providing the potential to save up to 75% of total reaction time. It also possesses a strong 3’-5’ exonuclease-dependent proofreading activity resulting in superior accuracy.

KAPAHiFi™ HotStart is designed for high fidelity PCR where amplified product is cloned for use in downstream applications such as site-directed mutagenesis, sequencing and protein expression.

Amplicons generated with KAPAHiFi™ HotStart are suitable for routine downstream applications, including restriction enzyme digestion, blunt-end cloning, and sequencing.
