FAPESP and British Council Announce Support for International Workshops

3 Oct 2013
Liam McNair
Administrator / Office Personnel

FAPESP and the British Council announced on the 25th September, the results of the Call for Proposals launched by the two organisations, regarding support for the development of workshops in any area of scientific and technological knowledge. With the objective to share competencies and exchange among researchers in the UK and Brazil.

The announcement was made during the opening of FAPESP Week London, a symposium organised by FAPESP at the Royal Society in London, with the support of the British Council, as part of the celebrations for the foundation’s 50th anniversary. The gathering aimed at broadening the possibilities for cooperation research among Brazilian and European scientists.

The seven awarded projects propose the organisation of workshops in São Paulo with the participation of researchers linked to universities and other research institutions in the State of São Paulo and in the UK.

Eric Klug, Director Partnerships at the British Council, commented “We have launched the Researcher Links programme in 18 countries. Brazil was the one with the higher number of applications: 40 Brazilian and British institutions were able to present 58 workshop proposals in just one month.”

According to Celso Lafer, President of FAPESP, “The increase in international collaboration for researchers and higher education institutions in the State of São Paulo generates and broadens knowledge in all the areas. In the contemporary world, science is an activity that depends more on this effort, especially when many of science’s most important phenomena do not occur only on a national level.”

Up to 20 researchers from each country will participate in the events. Sessions will be organised so as to stimulate and share competencies and knowledge exchange. The seven scientific meetings will happen from 10th February 2014 to 29th March 2014.
