Fast and Easy Automation of Reaction Set-ups with a Unique Combination of 1 and 8 Pipetting Channels at Biotechnica 2009

28 Sept 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

CyBio are to showcase the CyBi®-8plus1 at Biotechnica 2009. The CyBi®-8plus1 is a compact and easy to use pipetting instrument for the automation of PCR and sequencing set-ups as well as dilution series. Beside 8 fixed channels for the automation of serial dilutions, the system also offers a single channel, which allows pipetting from and into tubes and individual wells. This unique combination of both pipetting tools in one device allows the processing of whole microplates, columns and single wells or tubes without the need to change the pipetting tool. Thus, the time savings gained and the longer walk-away time make the daily laboratory tasks significantly easier.

The system offers a choice of various tip types with volume sizes of 5, 50 and 250 µl for optimal results, once again without the necessity to change the tool in between.Furthermore, CyBio shows with the CyBi®-8plus1 that it is possible to handle several working positions on smallest footprint. Beside the proven linear transport system, it has an additional position for the placing of microplates, tips and reservoirs. This allows the parallel processing of tip changing and stacking of microplates. For broader applications, this second position may be extended even to a second linear transport system with a further 5 positions without enlarging the footprint of the device. The tip waste position of the CyBi®-8plus1 allows contamination-free working by physically separated picking up and dropping of the tips.

