Fast Latex Strep Grouping Kit Launched

4 Nov 2011
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Thermo Fisher Scientific has announced the launch of the Thermo Scientific PathoDxtra Strep Grouping Kit. The latex agglutination kit offers a faster strep grouping solution than traditional methods for all clinically significant Lancefield groups.

Designed to improve workflow efficiencies, the nitrous acid extraction instantaneously extracts the cell antigens and the test does not require rehydration or incubation.

“Previously, choosing the best strep grouping kit involved compromise” said Julie Elston, global product manager, immunodiagnostics, Thermo Fisher. “Acid extraction kits offered speed but did not detect group D strep reliably, while enzyme kits detected all groups but required rehydration and incubation steps, adding significant time to testing procedures. With PathoDxtra there is no compromise, this kits gives instantaneous extraction and detects all clinically significant streps reliably, including group D. It really couldn’t be simpler.”

PathoDxtra provides laboratories with the opportunity to improve their workflow, save time and reduce costs. To find out how your laboratory can fast track strep testing, and to see how easy the kit is to use, please ask your local representative for more details, or email

