Fast Purification of Antibodies...

2 Feb 2009
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

Porvair Filtration Group has announced that a new range of BioVyon™ products are now available with immobilised Protein A for use in IgG antibody purification.

BioVyon™ Protein A microplates and columns offer a simple and rapid method for antibody purification. The new products give a consistent recovery of IgG antibody that is independent of the flow rate during loading. Unlike existing bead based technologies there are no time consuming slurries to equilibrate and pour into columns - your protein purification process is therefore accelerated. To use simply remove your BioVyon Protein A plate or column from its packaging, add buffer and you are ready to begin your purification.

BioVyon Protein A Mini and Micro Columns give consistent recoveries of purified IgG . The high purity and recoveries are consistent in multiple extractions using the same column or from column to column. Each mini column has a capacity of approximately 2.5mg IgG (micro - 10µg IgG) and can be reused several times with appropriate washing steps before the performance degrades, The unique BioVyon solid state media means that performance is not diminished at flow rates as high as 3ml / minute, resulting in faster purifications. For small-scale preparations, such as screening for IgG expression across a series of cell lines, in which sample is limited and high recoveries are needed the consistency of BioVyon Protein A Mini and Micro Columns enables unmatched performance.

The excellent well-to-well consistency of BioVyon Protein A 96-well plates uniquely enables the rapid development of automated protocols for IgG screening of cell lines or separations that require IgG capture. Each well in the new product has a volume of approximately 1ml and can be used in a stand-alone mode in conjunction with a vacuum manifold and collection plate, or as part of a fully automated system.

BioVyon™ is made from a pharmaceutical grade polyethylene material.. The manufacturing process is proprietary to the Porvair Filtration Group. Using novel ActiVyon™ technologies, Porvair Filtration Group is pioneering chemical modification and activation of BioVyon to create a family of new materials that represent new opportunities for the simple, robust and ultra fast purification of biological materials and molecules. Currently the BioVyon family includes columns and microplates for high performance solid phase extraction (SPE) and antibody purification.

The Porvair Filtration Group is an acknowledged world leader in the development and manufacture of specialist porous materials and filtration systems. With expertise in a wide range of media, and over 150 years of accumulated experience in filtration, the Group designs and manufactures high performance filtration, separation and purification products and systems for the most demanding applications and environments.

For further information on BioVyon protein A products please contact Porvair Filtration Group.

