FEI Announces New Quanta 50 Series Scanning Electron Microscope

11 Mar 2009
Nadine Davies
Marketing / Sales

FEI Company (Nasdaq: FEIC), a leading provider of atomic-scale imaging and analysis systems, today released the Quanta™ 50 Series scanning electron microscope (SEM), which offers an outstanding combination of performance and versatility over an extraordinary range of samples. The Quanta 50 Series will be introduced at Pittcon (booth 1642) taking place in Chicago, March 8-13, 2009.

“The new Quanta 50 Series is one of the most versatile SEMs currently available,” said Daniel Phifer, product marketing manager, FEI. “It is designed as a multipurpose SEM for labs that require high-performance imaging for a broad range of samples, including those that are insulating, wet, dirty, or dynamically changing, in industries such as materials research, mineralogy, chemicals and petroleum, electronics, pharmaceuticals and biology. Unlike other SEMs, where the sample has to fit the instrument design, the unique Quanta 50 Series is designed to enable viewing of any sample in its natural state. The Quanta 50 Series delivers powerful performance and flexibility, which enables it to remain a valuable investment as the needs of the lab change over time.”

FEI has adapted some technologies used in the revolutionary Magellan™ Extreme High Resolution SEM (XHR SEM) to engineer dramatic improvements in the new Quanta system. Specifically, beam deceleration increases the surface imaging capability with lower landing energies, and SmartSCAN™ technologies further improve image quality by reducing noise. This adds class-leading high-vacuum, low-landing energy imaging capability to the flexibility of the Quanta’s low-vacuum and environmental SEM (ESEM) technology. ESEM, pioneered by FEI, enables the broadest range of in situ imaging conditions.

The Quanta 50 Series will be available in April 2009, and includes cost-effective tungsten and high-performance field emission electron source options.

About FEI Company

FEI (Nasdaq: FEIC) is the world leader in pioneering technologies and applications that deliver imaging solutions for 3D characterization, analysis and modification/prototyping with resolutions down to the sub-Ångström level. With a 60-year legacy of technological innovation and leadership, FEI has set the performance standard across TEM, SEM and DualBeam categories with its Titan™, Magellan™ and Helios™ product families. FEI’s customers, working in advanced research and manufacturing, are supported by field-experienced applications specialists. They have open access to FEI’s prestigious global user network so they can succeed in accelerating nanoscale discovery. FEI’s NanoPorts in North America, Europe and Asia provide centers of technical excellence where its world-class community of customers and specialists collaborate. FEI has sales and service operations in more than 50 countries around the world. More information can be found by clicking on the company website link in the top right corner.

FEI Safe Harbor Statement

This news release contains forward-looking statements that include statements regarding the performance capabilities and benefits of the Quanta 50 Series and anticipated availability date. Factors that could affect these forward-looking statements include but are not limited to failure of the product or technology to perform as expected and achieve anticipated results, unexpected technology problems and our ability to manufacture, ship and deliver the tools as expected. Please also refer to our Form 10-K, Forms 10-Q, Forms 8-K and other filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for additional information on these factors and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements. FEI assumes no duty to update forward-looking statements.

