FFEI-Led Consortium Presents BiognostiX Proof of Principle at UK Healthtech Conference

7 Feb 2014
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

At the UK Healthtech Conference (Cardiff, December 2013), FFEI Life Science presented the latest proof of principle data for the novel BiognostiX technology, developed as part of an EU funded FP7 project. The BiognostiX project is run by a consortium led by UK company FFEI Life Science, and incorporates academic, research and commercial partners from five European countries. Other consortium members include: University of Cambridge, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Parco Technologico Padano, Proteomika and Prionics. The project goal is the design of a novel fibre-based microfluidic technology that will enable rapid and simple point-of-use diagnostic testing.

George Hutchinson, Director, FFEI Life Science, said, “We are at a very exciting stage in the development of the BiognostiX technology. Performance of fast, low cost, multiplex diagnostic testing on this simple device makes it an appealing option for a wide range of diagnostic applications. The next step is for our partners in the project to convert these proof of concept assays into viable, commercial assays. In addition, we are keen to meet new partners who have a need for the BiognostiX technology”

BiognostiX is a novel combination of biochemistry, BiognostiX Chip and Reader. The BiognostiX Chip is composed of a fibre substrate that has been treated to create microfluidic channels. Reagents are printed using fluid-jet technologies to deliver, with picolitre precision, small quantities of capture complex (Immuno-Ink™) into specific zones of the channels. This enables simultaneous performance of multiple tests per sample.

The simplicity and flexibility of the manufacturing process allows for changes in configuration during the assay development process. The number of microfluidic channels can be varied depending on assay requirements and the residence time of the flowing sample can be adjusted to control the interaction time between the sample and the Immuno-Ink. Once the biochemistry and chip are optimised, they are then fixed for simple, low-cost manufacture. The output of the immunoassays can be quantified using densiometric, colorimetric or fluorometric techniques.

UK Healthtech is MediWales’ one-day national conference providing briefings and networking opportunities for those within the life science and health technology communities and for research clinicians from the NHS.
