Find the correct Lamp with one click at

24 May 2006

SMI-LabHut have been sourcing and supplying replacement detector lamps to their many customers around the world for over 10 years.

In addition to deuterium lamps, they also offer hollow cathode, xenon, tungsten, mercury and line sources. All SMI-LabHut’s detector lamps are manufactured by leading companies including Heraeus, Cathodeon, IST, Hamamatsu, Ushio and Osram. Searching for the correct replacement lamp has never been so simple – one click on a detector manufacturer in the lamp section is all it takes to find a replacement lamp.

The lamp type and price are displayed along with a picture of each lamp which is enlarged when clicked on. The most popular lamps are held in stock for fast delivery. All lamps are fully guaranteed, with deuterium lamps being guaranteed for 1000 hours for the standard lamp and 2000 hours for the longlife range.

For more information please contact SMI-Labhut.

