Finnzymes Announces Two New Kits for qPCR

29 Nov 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Finnzymes announces two new kits for qPCR: DyNAmo™ ColorFlash SYBR® Green qPCR Kit and DyNAmo™ ColorFlash Probe qPCR Kit. These kits offer fast, quantitative real-time analysis with a high level of performance in detection and quantification of DNA sequences from various sources.

DyNAmo ColorFlash qPCR Kits are designed to ease qPCR setup and minimize errors by providing a simple way to track pipetting of reaction components. The two kits, DyNAmo™ ColorFlash SYBR® Green qPCR Kit and DyNAmo™ ColorFlash Probe qPCR Kit, utilize an innovative multi-color system: the 2x Master Mix contains a blue dye, and a separate sample buffer contains a yellow dye.

The qPCR reaction mix containing both components is green. Using this patent-pending multi-color system, pipetting of both the master mix and the sample can be easily monitored. This significantly decreases the risk for pipetting errors during reaction setup, even when using white reaction vessels. The dyes do not affect the specificity or sensitivity of qPCR assays.

