Five challenges in plate assays that can be mastered by the right choice of pipetting tool

12 Sept 2023

In this whitepaper, Eppendorf addresses five significant challenges that commonly arise in plate assays: precision and accuracy, the presence of diverse liquids, varying concentrations of additives, potential contamination, and assay turnaround time. These challenges are influenced not only by the experimental setup but also by the choice of liquid handling tools.

The whitepaper highlights that opting for a dispenser, as opposed to a multichannel pipette, can mitigate the risk of cross-contamination. For time-sensitive enzymatic assays, a device with 96 channels is recommended. When dealing with the addition of varying concentrations of additives, electronic pipettes outperform manual pipettes. However, for challenging liquids like glycerol, a manual pipette with the correct pipetting technique can be as reliable as a positive displacement system. In summary, selecting the appropriate liquid handling tool and employing proper techniques are essential steps to enhance plate assays, ultimately impacting the quality of results obtained.

