Flexible Format Radiation Resistant Lens

26 Jun 2016
Alex Waite
Editorial Assistant

Resolve Optics has introduced new mechanical options for its popular Model 290 Motorized Non-Browning 6x Zoom Lens to optimally suit different applications that may be subject to radiation.

The standard Model 290 is a radiation resistant lens that is widely used in nuclear fuel handling operation, reactor active zones and radioactive waste storage plants. New mechanical options introduced for the Model 290 include a concentric motor housing (where space is limited), a potentiometer (where feedback on movement is desirable) and noise suppression (where electronic interference can degrade performance). The Model 290 is designed for use with single chip 1/2" and 2/3" CCTV cameras as well as Newvicon and Chalnicon tubes.

The Model 290 uses special glass that can withstand long term exposure to high levels of radiation (up to a total dose of 100,000,000 rads) and temperature (55 °C) without discoloration. Zoom, focus and iris movements on the Model 290 are motorized using radiation-tolerant DC-motors to facilitate remote operation in hazardous environments. Operating at f/1.8 the Model 290 provides high image resolution and minimum geometric distortion throughout the spectral region 400-750nm.

