Flexible SPE microplate enhances methods development

16 Apr 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

The Development Microlute™ from Porvair Sciences provides R&D laboratories with a uniquely flexible tool for developing the Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) methods to best suit an analytical process.

The Development Microlute offers the user a choice of 8 or 12 different phases and sorbent volumes (10 -100mg) in one plate. This allows the user to rapidly and simply identify the optimal sorbent and loading for their specific application. By supplying a complete methods development product that does not need to be constructed by the user, Porvair delivers considerable savings in valuable laboratory time.

The novel design of the Development Microlute offers all the advantages of automated and high throughput SPE sample preparation in a convenient microplate format capable of rapidly processing 96 samples in one go repeatedly and precisely. Constructed from a single piece of moulded high quality polypropylene, a Development Microlute plate will not bend or distort because individual SPE cartridges do not have to be repeatedly plugged in and out. Using a proprietary sorbent slurry loading technique, Porvair has eliminated the channeling effects often limiting the performance of dry powder loaded SPE columns. Each well on a Microlute Development plate has an individual drain spout ensuring 100% sample transfer and zero crossover contamination.

Working closely with the leading automated liquid handling companies has ensured that Porvair Microlute Development plates deliver high productivity, trouble-free operation with all robotic sample handling and preparation systems.

Porvair Sciences Ltd has specialised in the manufacture of microplates since its formation in 1992. Via its global distributor network, Porvair Sciences serves Life Sciences, Biotechnology, R&D and Molecular Biology laboratories with microplate solutions for all applications, from sample preparation to high throughput screening. Porvair Sciences is a subsidiary of Porvair plc, a world leader in microporous materials.

