Fluidigm Announce the Distribution of histoCAT Software for Multiparamter Data Analysis

histoCAT software to enable deep interrogation of tissues with multiplex imaging mass cytometry

26 Oct 2017
Frankie MacDonald
Administrator / Office Personnel

Fluidigm Corporation have announced that it has entered into a distribution agreement with the University of Zurich to offer histoCAT™ software for multiparameter tissue analysis. Under the agreement, Fluidigm obtained rights to globally distribute the software in conjunction with the Hyperion™ Imaging System.

The histoCAT™ software is an innovative Imaging Mass Cytometry™ analysis toolbox that enables comprehensive analysis of cellular phenotypes and their interrelationships within the spatial context of the tissue microenvironment. Developed in the laboratory of Bernd Bodenmiller at the University of Zurich, histoCAT™ includes novel algorithms to identify the relationships and "social networks" between cells in healthy and disease states and across experimental cohorts.

The design and application of histoCAT™ were communicated in a September Nature Methods article, "histoCAT™: Analysis of Cell Phenotypes and Interactions in Multiplex Image Cytometry Data." In this publication, Schapiro and Jackson et al. demonstrate the utility of Imaging Mass Cytometry™ combined with histoCAT™ to analyze 49 breast cancer samples, identifying cellular interaction patterns that correlated with tumor grade.

"When used together with Imaging Mass Cytometry™, histoCAT™ enables the identification of unique cellular social networks across a range of disease states," said Bodenmiller, Assistant Professor at the University of Zurich. "By elucidating these networks in the context of clinical outcomes, histoCAT™ could improve patient classification and precision medicine applications in the future."

"The development of histoCAT™ is a major step forward in unlocking the latent potential of mass cytometry to deeply interrogate tissue samples," said Chris Linthwaite, President and CEO of Fluidigm. "Through this new secondary analysis software, researchers can explore a wider range of new questions in conjunction with the Hyperion™ Imaging System workflow. In collaboration with the University of Zurich, we look forward to empowering new biological insights to improve the future of health care."

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