Food Titration

22 Mar 2006

The Food Titrino offers you a complete package for all the usual analyses in the food industry. Apart from almost 100 determination methods described in detail you will also receive the accessories needed for your titrations.

The Metrohm Food Titrino is a compact titrator with an LCD screen for real-time curve display.

With the Food Titrino you have the possibility of storing your titration methods not only in the instrument's internal memory, but also on a memory card, which makes them transportable across different labs and sites.

The connection of a PC keyboard and/or a barcode reader (options) is very advantageous and helps avoid errors when alphanumerical sample data have to be entered or read in.

The «online» balance connection eliminates input errors; the printer connection ensures complete documentation of the determinations.

The increasing number of foodstuff quality labels appearing on the market demonstrate that quality is the decisive purchasing factor. Together with the Food Titrator you will receive detailed and easily understandable explanations concerning the qualification of your titrator and the validation of your method. This means that you are always on the safe side; your results will stand up to any test.
