Free Evaluation Samples of Award-Winning Sodium Hyaluronate

5 Jul 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

To celebrate the 2011 launch of Novozymes Biopharma’s new cGMP facility in Tianjin, China and provide a unique opportunity to experience the product due to be manufactured there, customers are invited to apply for free evaluation samples of the award-winning Bacillus-based sodium hyaluronate. The samples are available to all companies interested in evaluating the cGMP Q7 product and can be applied for via the Company article page link top right of this page.

Novozymes Biopharma’s sodium hyaluronate is 100% free of animal-derived raw materials and organic solvent remnants. The product is fermented using a unique non-pathogenic and well documented production strain, Bacillus subtilis, offering the medical device and pharmaceutical industries a range of benefits including increased safety, purity, batch-to-batch consistency and stability in large scale. The company's sodium hyaluronate can be used in a wide range of applications in the pharmaceutical sector for improved drug delivery as well as in medical device application areas such as ophthalmology, dermatology, osteoarthritis, dermal fillers, adhesion prevention, coating and wound healing.

“We are delighted to offer new and existing users the opportunity to pilot Novozymes Biopharma’s innovative sodium hyaluronate”, comments Hans Ole Klingenberg, Product Director at Novozymes Biopharma. We are developing our new cGMP facility in China to expand the use of sodium hyaluronate and to set a new bench-mark for quality and consistency. This sample program precedes the opening of our new facility and is a unique opportunity for customers to sample our product and experience its benefits in drug delivery and medical device applications.”

