FREE WEBINAR: A New Approach for DNA/RNA Sample Assessment Using the NanoDrop One

Learn about sample contaminant detection, an important step towards nucleic acid quantification

12 Jul 2020
Anita Ramanathan
Administrator / Office Personnel

Experimental techniques such as PCR, qPCR, cloning, sequencing, and transfection require samples of known concentration and purity. The success of an experiment depends in part on the accurate evaluation of the nucleic acid sample.

Absorbance at 260nm is the most popular method for DNA and RNA quantification. However, residual chemicals from the nucleic acid extraction process as well as co-purified cell components can affect the A260 concentration result and the purity ratios (260/280, 260/230) don’t tell the whole story about sample purity.

In an upcoming SelectScience® webinar, Dr. Kodoyianni, Product Manager for the Thermo Scientific™ NanoDrop™ microvolume UV-Vis instruments, will discuss the important steps towards accurate nucleic acid quantification.

Plus, you’ll hear about the Thermo Scientific™ NanoDrop™ One™ Acclaro Sample Intelligence technology that uses powerful mathematical algorithms to identify contaminants and deliver accurate information about both concentration and purity for success in your downstream experiments.

Reserve a spot in this webinar >>

In this webinar, you will learn:
• how contaminants in DNA and RNA samples can affect absorbance at 260 and concentration results
• how the purity ratios 260/280 and 260/230, although useful, don’t tell the whole story about sample purity
• how the cutting-edge NanoDrop One Acclaro Sample Intelligence technology uses powerful chemometric algorithms to identify contaminants and provide corrected concentrations

Who should attend:
• Any scientist who works with DNA and RNA samples.
• Any scientist working with molecular biology techniques such as PCR, qPCR, cloning, sequencing, and transfection.

Unable to join us live? We can send you an on-demand link after the event. Sign up here for the on-demand version.

