Free Webinar – Absolute Characterization of Glycoproteins by Light Scattering

Learn more about the characterization of glycoproteins and their interactions with proteins and antibodies using multi-angle static light scattering techniques

29 Aug 2017
Finn Price
Administrator / Office Personnel

In this free webinar, Daniel Some, Ph. D., Principal Scientist, Marketing, Wyatt Technology Corp., will give an informative presentation on the absolute characterization of glycoproteins and their interactions with proteins and antibodies. Registration for the online event is now open.

Glycoproteins (GPs) are primary targets of neutralizing and therapeutic antibodies for a large variety of indications including epilepsy and many types of viruses. Many non-IgG therapeutic proteins are themselves GPs. Hence, the characterization of GPs and potential degradants, as well as their interactions with therapeutic or target proteins, is essential for understanding GP targets and developing effective therapeutics. This webinar presents two first-principles techniques for carrying out these analyses in solution: SEC-MALS-UV-RI and CG-MALS.

Unlike common unmodified proteins that are globular in conformation and highly hydrophilic in surface chemistry, GPs cannot be characterized accurately by standard analytical size-exclusion chromatography (SEC). Coupling SEC to multi-angle light scattering (MALS) and differential refractive index (dRI) detection results in a powerful SEC-MALS-UV-RI triple-detection system that can determine the molar mass of the protein and total glycan mass in order to characterize degradants and complexes. Composition-gradient multi-angle light scattering (CG-MALS) utilizes the same detectors with a stop-flow system to quantify the absolute stoichiometry and binding affinity of reversible association between GPs and antibodies or solubilized target proteins.

Register for this webinar to learn more about:

  • The limitations of analytical SEC and native PAGE for characterizing glycoproteins
  • How SEC-MALS characterizes glycoproteins, aggregates and complexes
  • How CG-MALS analyzes self- and hetero-association in solution, intuitively and from first principles
  • How CG-MALS can be combined with cryo-EM to characterize complex GP-antibody interactions

Webinar attendees will have the opportunity to ask Dr. Some questions at the question and answer session at the end of the presentation.

Register now for the live event on September 6, 2017 at 16:00 BST/ 17:00 CEST/ 11:00 EDT/ 08:00 PDT

