Free Webinar: Are Water Contaminants Impacting Your Experimental Results? How to Select the Best Water Quality for Your Science

Learn how to obtain the best water quality for your experiments and how water contaminants can affect your results

23 May 2018
Holly McHugh
Administrator / Office Personnel

Do you think your experimental results are being impacted by water contaminants? Poor quality water can have a significant impact on the reliability and accuracy of results in analytical and biological experiments. Our forthcoming webinar will provide examples of how it can negatively affect your analyses and offer advice on how you can adapt the purity of the water you use to the type of experiments you are performing.

In this educational webinar, global application specialist, Dr. Estelle Riche, will explain the potential impact of contaminated water on your experiments and advise on how to improve your water quality.

Register now

You will learn about:

  • The potential impact of water contaminants on everyday laboratory uses
  • How lab water is purified, and the different types of water that can be obtained
  • How to select the best water purification solution to suit your needs

Who should attend:

  • Any scientist using purified water for his/her experiments
  • Lab managers and anyone using or maintaining lab water purification systems

You can attend the live webinar on Tuesday, June 12, at:

  • 16:00 BST
  • 17:00 CEST
  • 11:00 EDT
  • 08:00 PDT

Don't worry if you can't make the live event, register to watch on demand at a time that suits you

