Free Webinar - Environmental Contaminant Analyses at the National Laboratory Service

Register now to learn about the new technologies and methodologies being developed, to address new EU Water Framework Directive regulations

9 Dec 2016
Weylan Kiam-Laine

Image credit: Shutterstock/EnvironmentalScientistWaterAnalysis-Production Perig

The National Laboratory Service has been at the scientific nerve center of the UK’s environmental regulator the Environment Agency for over 20 years. Its laboratories provide analytical solutions to problems of air, water and soil pollution, applying the very latest chemical and molecular techniques. Find out about the new technologies and methodologies that are being developed to meet new regulatory standards set by the EU Water Framework Directive, which aims to address demand for cleaner rivers, lakes, groundwater and coastal beaches.

In this webinar, Rob Carter, Product Manager at the National Laboratory Service, will discuss:

  • Cutting-edge technology enabling low detection limits for PFOS, PFOA, PAH's, PCB's, BFR's, and pesticides.
  • Methodologies for the analysis of contaminants in surface fresh waters, saline waters and biota
  • Addressing new EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) (WFD) regulations

Rob Carter is a Chartered Scientist with 27 years’ experience in the environmental analysis sector. He is currently the Environment Agency's Laboratory Product Manager, Secretary for the strategic board of the Standing Committee of Analysts (SCA), and a committee member for the British Standards Institute (BSI) Physical chemical and biochemical methods.

The webinar is taking place on December 14, 2016, 16:00 GMT/08:00 PST/11:00 EST/17:00 CET

Register for the webinar here.

