Free Webinar: Practical Tips to Improve Reproducibility When Using Biological Buffers

Experts share important considerations that can help to improve reproducibility of preclinical research

14 Nov 2017
Abigail Berry
Administrator / Office Personnel

Recent publications highlight the low reproducibility rate of preclinical research and the issues that surround it. Various causes of irreproducibility can be grouped into four main categories: study design, laboratory protocols, data analysis and reporting, and the actual biological reagents and reference materials used. Improvement efforts in relation to biological reagents have primarily focused on validating antibodies and authenticating cell lines, two areas where significant improvement opportunities exist.

Register for our webinar with biological reagent and buffer experts, Chris Wozniak and Dan Flowers, senior product managers at MilliporeSigma

What about other agents like buffers? These ubiquitous life science products are often overlooked as a source of variability in experiments, yet they can have a significant contribution to reproducibility. Since buffers are so widely used across most life science applications and workflows, there is a need for better understanding and training on their selection and use.

Join us for this informative webinar, in which experts from MilliporeSigma will explore ways to improve reproducibility when using biological buffers. You will also have the chance to have your questions answered during a Q&A session.

Register today to learn about:

  • Important considerations when using biological buffers, such as how strongly buffers may interact with metals and other biological materials
  • Tools available to help make buffer selection easier – how to select the right quality and grade for a given application
  • Other practical tips to improve reproducibility with the use of biological buffers

The webinar will take place on Thursday, November 30, 2017 at:

  • 16:00 GMT
  • 11:00AM EST
  • 8:00 PST
  • 17:00 CET

Register your place for the live event>>

Don’t worry if you can’t make the live event, you can also register to receive a link to the on-demand version of the webinar to watch later.

