Free Webinar: Using Patient-Derived 3D Cell Culture Models for Semi-Automated Drug Screening

Learn how you can advance pre-clinical development of novel anti-cancer compounds

10 Oct 2017
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Personalized oncology is revolutionizing patient care. In a SelectScience® webinar, Dr. Christian Regenbrecht, Founder and CEO, Cellular Phenomics & Oncology (CPO), will discuss how comprehensive patient-derived 3D cell culture models can be integrated into the pre-clinical development of novel anti-cancer compounds.

Registration is now open for the event which will explore the benefits of using these cell cultures instead of adherent 2D cell as well as current limitations. Regenbrecht will present a prototypic workflow and explain a semi-automated set-up for high-throughput screening (HTS) and several case studies that demonstrate how patient-derived cell culture models can be used in personalized oncology. You'll also have the chance to ask any questions you may have during the Q&A session.

Who should attend?

Scientists from pharma, biotech and academia who work in the field of pre-clinical drug development. Decision makers who want to explore opportunities to reduce the use of animal models. Oncologists who want to be informed about how this will transform future patient care.

Register now for the event which will take place on October 23, 2017 at 15:00 BST / 10:00 EDT / 07:00 PDT / 16:00 CEST. If you cannot attend the live event, please register to watch the webinar in your own time.

