GATC Biotech demonstrates new DNA sequencing capability and sequences 9 bacterial genomes in April

1 May 2007

GATC Biotech, Europe’s leading DNA sequencing service provider, has announced that its scientists sequenced nine bacterial genomes in April, demonstrating the capabilities of the Company’s technology portfolio and expertise in successful next-generation, high throughput genome sequencing.

GATC Biotech sequenced four gram-positive and five gram-negative genomes from genomic DNA, to produce genome coverage from 15-fold to 30-fold, with a genome size of 3-5 Mb, depending on the genome. The genomes were sequenced for several customers, from within industry and academia, and these initial results will be used to drive the individual customer’s research and development programme by sequencing and comparing the optimised strains.

GATC Biotech is the only company in Europe that offers all three lead genome sequencing technologies, the ABI 3730, Illumina/Solexa 1G and Roche 454. GATC Biotech used the Illumina/Solexa 1G sequencing platform for the major part of the discovery of these nine new bacterial genomes and also used a combination of the other two technologies to produce raw data for the remaining genomes. Part of GATC Biotech’s contribution to these genome projects was de novo sequencing of the organisms, while part was re-sequencing projects.

Commenting on the announcement, Peter Pohl, CEO of GATC Biotech, said: “In sequencing nine new bacterial genomes, we are highlighting that we can offer our customers an unparalleled combination of genome sequencing technologies. GATC Biotech has extensive experience in the field of molecular biological services which, combined with our broad portfolio services and innovative solutions, will ensure that we will continue to lead the way in genome sequencing services”.

