GATC Biotech Expands Oncology Product Line with INVIEW ONCOPANEL for Solid Tumor Profiling

Direct comparative studies now possible with a set of cancer-specific genes for DNA from tumor tissue or for circulating tumor DNA from liquid biopsy samples

15 May 2016
Alex Waite
Editorial Assistant

GATC Biotech, a leading provider of advanced genome analysis and diagnostic services, launched today INVIEW ONCOPANEL, a comprehensive multigene cancer panel for solid tumor profiling.

The next-generation sequencing (NGS)-based panel consists of 50 cancer-specific genes that could add diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic value to personalized care.

INVIEW ONCOPANEL was the lone missing member of our cancer research and diagnostics portfolio,” said Dr Markus Benz, COO of GATC Biotech. “The service perfectly complements our liquid biopsy-based assay GATCLIQUID ONCOPANEL. It enables researchers and clinicians to screen not only liquid biopsy samples, but also tissue biopsy samples for genomic alterations. These carefully selected genes can help characterize a patient’s tumor and identify the most suitable treatment course on a case-by-case basis.”

With the rising need for validation of non-invasive liquid biopsies, researchers can now evaluate the concordance in mutation profiles from tumor tissue samples with INVIEW ONCOPANEL and from liquid biopsy samples with GATCLIQUID ONCOPANEL. Both cancer sets consist of more than 200 clinically actionable regions on 50 cancer-specific genes with strong predictive and prognostic potential. The targeted cancer related genes include well-known tumor activators, tumor suppressors and biomarkers of drug resistance.

“By providing cost-efficient detection of mutations in key cancer drivers, we hope to draw the most meaningful molecular information out of invasive, but necessary tissue biopsies,” added Dr Benz. “With the ability to perform comparative studies on tumor tissue and plasma-based patient samples under diagnostic conditions, we also aim to contribute evidence to proof-of-concept studies that are needed to implement liquid biopsies in clinical settings.”

INVIEW ONCOPANEL, which is a standardized sample-to-data solution, applies proprietary protocols for low input DNA extraction from precious formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) or fresh tissue samples. Optimized workflows carried out on leading technologies consistently result in extraordinarily high sequence coverage, uniformity and sensitivity that are needed to profile solid tumors and support tailored treatment decisions with absolute confidence.

