GATC Biotech introduces Metagenome Analysis Products for Taxonomic and Functional Profiling

9 Nov 2016
Emily Adam
Publishing / Media

GATC Biotech, a world-wide leading provider of DNA sequencing services, has announced the release of INVIEW METAGENOME, a new product line for metagenome analysis. The unique new service is based on sequencing and analyzing the DNA of all organisms in a sample, independent of their taxonomic origin. Additional functional characterization offers new insights for several applications ranging from clinical research to environmental studies. Even uncultured microorganisms including bacteria, archaea, viruses and protozoa, that so far could not be distinguished using common standard techniques, are now included in the analysis.

“We enable the analysis of the composition, function and purpose of nearly any microbiome you might think of,” said Dr. Yadhu Kumar, Head of BioIT Development at GATC Biotech. “INVIEW METAGENOME thus provides an affordable opportunity to improve your understanding of microbial communities and their influence and composition. Despite a strong focus on clinical samples, especially on stool samples, the products can be applied to any type of starting material. The diversity of organisms in any given sample is amazing.”

The INVIEW METAGENOME services are based on next-generation sequencing (NGS) of all DNA material in the sample. The protocol does not require amplification of taxonomic gene markers, offering an unbiased view of the composition. The BioIT analysis is based on comprehensive reference databases, enabling the removal of host sequences and determination of community composition. INVIEW METAGENOME EXPLORE is ideal for obtaining unbiased taxonomic profiles of microbial and viral communities. INVIEW METAGENOME ADVANCE offers both taxonomic and functional analysis, as well as characterization of antibiotic resistance and virulence factors.

