GATC Biotech Presents the Worldwide First Trio of Accredited Next Generation Sequencing Platforms Under One Roof

22 Apr 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

With official accreditation of yet another sequencing platform, GATC Biotech presents the worldwide first trio of accredited NGS platforms under one roof. After successful accreditation the technology platforms Ilumina HiSeq and Roche GS FLX, the high quality of PacBio RS sequencing has now officially been confirmed by the national accreditation body for the Federal Republic of Germany (DAkkS).

The combination of three accredited Next Generation Sequencing platforms under one roof is said to be unique globally. The Pacific Biosciences PacBio RS platform located at GATC Biotech’s headquarter has been officially accredited according to EN ISO/IEC 17025. The accreditation of PacBio RS adds an extensive variety of efficiency and quality to the pre-high-quality fleet of different platforms. Thereby, the company achieves maximum exhaustion of all Next Gen Systems available within its own laboratory.

Being Europe’s first sequencing provider to use the PacBio RS platform, GATC Biotech emphasizes its position on the international sequencing market. The third accreditation within one year demonstrates the latest state-of-the-art standards in the company’s methods, technologies and data quality that are pursued by responsible staff members at all times.

As Dr. Marcus Benz, COO of GATC Biotech AG, explains:”The flexible accreditation of various platforms allows our customers to benefit from the firsthand and experienced support and to rely on an all-time audited international quality standard.”

