GATC Biotech: Ultra-Deep and Ultra-Long Amplicon Sequencing to Boost Targeted Sequencing

GATC Biotech releases two new products for analysis of PCR fragments of up to 3 kb with highly sensitive detection and accuracy of up to 99.5%.

16 Jul 2015
Chelsie Phillips
Temporary Editorial Assistant

GATC Biotech has announced the release of two new products for analysis of PCR fragments of up to 3Kb. With INVIEW AMPLICON Ultra-deep and INVIEW AMPLICON Ultra-long, scientists can cost-effectively sequence target regions. All workflows are optimised for human and other complex genomes with a high sensitivity using high-throughput data.

“The ability of Pacific Biosciences SMRT® Sequencing to generate long reads allows researchers to characterise whole genes, including the flanking regions which was not possible previously,” said Dr. Tobias Paprotka, Director Research & Development at GATC Biotech. “Moreover, as several SNPs can be covered by a single read, co-variations can be simultaneously quantified in much greater detail.”

The novel flexibility in length enables the unbiased characterisation of neighbouring SNPs, regulatory sequences in the untranslated regions or other gene characteristics that are usually not covered by shorter PCR fragments. Specific applications of INVIEW AMPLICON Ultra-long include CRISPR genome editing, transposon insertion analysis, Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) typing and assignment of haplotypes, among many others. INVIEW AMPLICON Ultra-deep is perfectly suited for the identification of rare mutations in fragments of up to 570 bp in complex and heterogeneous samples.

Both products are available for diagnostic purposes under ISO 17025 accreditation, too. Sequencing of individual PCR products is performed without any laborious cloning steps. Samples can also be multiplexed to make full use of resources and to deliver results faster.

As INVIEW products, both services offer reliable one-stop solutions with streamlined workflows for DNA isolation, high-fidelity PCR, next generation sequencing and BioIT support. With increased efficiency and reliability, the latest Sequencing Solutions can boost the analysis of any genome.

