GE Healthcare Launches Cytiva™ Plus Cardiomyocytes

28 May 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Identifying potential cardiotoxicity as early as possible in the drug development process can reduce the risk of costly program failures and minimize health risks. Cytiva™ Plus provides a high fidelity human heart cell model that is available in quantities compatible with screening, enabling earlier and more confident prioritization of compounds.

Conveniently cryopreserved in quantities to match a range of applications, Cytiva Plus cardiomyocytes are ready-for-use in multi-electrode arrays, impedance and high content analysis applications for compound safety profiling.

The cardiomyocytes are produced in a way that reflects native human heart cell development, without engineering techniques that could alter expression levels of relevant genes. This makes Cytiva Plus a dependable and reproducible biologically relevant cell model that supports the measurement of electrophysiological, structural and functional cell changes, and demonstrates expected pharmacological responses to reference compounds.

Compatible with diverse detection platforms, Cytiva Plus enables compound profiling based on multiple cardiotoxicity indications for more integrated risk assessment and mechanistic investigations, enabling better safety prediction.

