GE Healthcare Launches Suite of 2-D Electrophoresis Products

19 Apr 2009
Emily Marquez-Vega
Publishing / Media

GE Healthcare, a unit of General Electric Company, announces the launch of a suite of new products to improve and simplify the entire 2-D electrophoresis workflow from sample preparation through to analysis, and further enhance quantitation in protein expression studies.

The new ready-to-use products offer significant improvement in data quality for 2-D electrophoresis experiments, and also reduce costs and time for protein expression analysis (at least a threefold cost saving and sixfold time saving with 2-D DIGE). The products are designed to be used individually or as a complete solution to maximize results from 2-D analysis and are also fully compatible with 2–D DIGE (Difference Gel Electrophoresis).

“We have worked to identify and address the challenges that our customers face in 2-D electrophoresis. Most of them relate to unwanted sources of experimental variation,” said Rita Marouga, Product Manager, GE Healthcare. “These new products are designed specifically to improve consistency and reduce heterogeneity throughout the 2-D workflow, thereby enabling identification of differences and changes in protein expression attributable to biological variation with high confidence.”

The new products include: precast low fluorescent DIGE Gels and DIGE Buffer Kit that improve gel-to-gel reproducibility; repackaged CyDye™ DIGE Fluor saturation and minimal dyes that better suit experimental designs; and reformulated IPG Buffer and IPG strips (Immobiline™ DryStrip gels) that improve spot resolution. These augment the previously released 2-D Protein Extraction Buffers, IPGbox and DeCyder 2-D v7 software that contribute to error reduction and optimization of the results in the 2-D experimental workflow.

All of the 2-D electrophoresis products from GE Healthcare have been tested together through the development process, and combine to provide a synchronized solution for 2-D analysis where sources of variation are minimized or eliminated throughout the workflow.

For more information please follow the company article webpage link on the right hand side of the screen.

