Gene Bridges granted Korean Patent for Recombineering Technology

9 Jan 2008

Gene Bridges GmbH, the recombineering company, announced that it has been granted Korean Patent No. 10-0751587, entitled "Methods and compositions for directed cloning and sub-cloning using homologous recombination" by the Korean Patent Office.

The patent broadly covers the major areas of Gene Bridges’ RED/ET recombineering technology. This is the same technology that is already covered by issued patents in the USA and EU.

Gary Stevens, CEO of Gene Bridges GmbH, commented:
‘Recombineering is the technology of choice in DNA engineering and is used worldwide in industry and academia. In addition to the patents already granted Gene Bridges, this forms a part of the strong intellectual property position Gene Bridges is building worldwide. Korea has an important and growing life sciences sector and we look forward to working with the leading institutes and companies there.’

Red/ET is a revolutionary method for DNA engineering. Recombineering with Red/ET allows unlimited cloning, subcloning, and modification of DNA at any chosen position. It permits precise engineering of DNA molecules of any size, including very large ones such as BACs or the E.coli chromosome. Recombineering DNA using Red/ET has a number of advantages over conventional methods:

  • Independent of restriction sites
  • No size limits
  • No unwanted mutations
  • Rapid

Red/ET Recombineering is one simple and powerful tool to modify plasmids, BACs, and even E.coli chromosomes.

