Genevac compact Freeze Dryers provide greater capacity and improved controls

9 Sept 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Genevac, a world leader in evaporation technology, has announced the introduction of the new Virtis AdVantage Plus range of fast and efficient freeze dryers.

Featuring the latest advancements in benchtop freeze drying, the AdVantage Plus is available with up to three fluid cooled shelves which maintain temperature control precision previously available only in pilot/production scale units. With the additional shelf space a newly designed condenser coil will hold a total of six litres before defrosting. As with the previous generation AdVantage model a choice of condenser temperatures at -53ºC, -75ºC or -85ºC enables processing a wide range of samples in stoppered vials or bulk drying in freeze-dry flasks or trays.

VirTis AdVantage Series Freeze Dryers incorporate proven freeze drying technology in the smallest possible footprint. These compact, affordable units are loaded with functions that enable materials to be processed quickly, efficiently, and conveniently. As user friendly as they are sophisticated, an animated synoptic display provides operational status including alarm information at a glance. An optional Wizard workstation enables all aspects of the lyophilization cycle to be precisely controlled, monitored, recorded and presented in graphic format.

