Genevac issues positive forecast on sample concentration market

21 Dec 2006

Genevac, world leader in solvent removal technologies, has reported that its strong new product pipeline, novel application-based systems and excellent international specialist sales / support network are combining to make 2006 another growth year for the company.

Earlier this year Genevac shipped its 2000th centrifugal evaporator and reported a healthy 150% increase in sales through distribution channels. A stream of 2006 product introductions including the new second generation EZ-2 system, a HCl-resistant version of the HT-4 evaporator and applications optimised systems for fast lyophilisation and environmental analysis have been well received by customers worldwide.

Reflecting upon these achievements - Rob Darrington (Business Development Manager) commented 'our growth in 2006 will be a testament to Genevac's track record of consistent technological innovation, top level customer support and reliable high performance products'. 'Today many purchasers require more than just performance in an evaporator - our team of 20 experienced support staff coupled with the company commitment to free lifetime applications support and high quality standards are often key purchasing considerations'. He added ' further new product introductions and investments in customer facing staff bodes well for another good year for Genevac in 2007'.

Founded in 1990, Genevac today employs around 85 people, with manufacturing, R&D and marketing headquartered in Ipswich, UK. A US subsidiary based in Valley Cottage, NY. together with a network of sales and service representatives provides informed local sales, service and technical support to customers in North America. In Europe, outside the company headquarters, Genevac maintains sales and service staff based at offices in Lyon, France and Wiesbaden, Germany to provide efficient service to its European customers. Earlier this year a new sales and support centre has been established in Singapore to provide local support to the Asia / Pacific region. Genevac today offers a comprehensive portfolio of evaporators to suit almost any solvent removal application, purchasing budget or productivity requirement. Details of the current Genevac evaporator range may be found on the article webpage.

