Genevac Launch New Website

23 May 2016
Alex Waite
Editorial Assistant

A new website has been launched by Genevac that provides easily navigable access to the company’s comprehensive portfolio of evaporators and concentrators to suit almost any solvent removal application, purchasing budget or productivity requirement.

Located at - the new site offers visitors ready access to an extensive searchable library of articles, technical papers, application notes and videos in the Evaporation Insights Learning Center.

Alison Wake, Genevac Product & Marketing Manager commented “We have adopted the learning center concept developed by our parent company SP Scientific who have found this information rich resource to be the most popular feature for both customers and visitors to the web site. There are many applications for Genevac evaporators and concentrators ranging from environmental analysis through natural products research to parallel chemistry. Our new Evaporator Insights Learning Center provides scientists with access to the largest single evaporator / concentrator knowledge base on the internet”.

In addition the website offers detailed Genevac product information (key feature/benefits, specifications, application examples, accessories and literature), information about service and support around the world and news of the latest events the company is participating in.

The new site brings Genevac together with other SP Scientific brands onto one website. SP Scientific is the synergistic collection of well-known, well-established and highly regarded scientific equipment brands including Genevac, VirTis, FTS Systems, Hotpack, Hull, and most recently PennTech, joined to create one of the leading manufacturers of specialty equipment for pharmaceutical, academia, biotechnology and industry.

