GenoLogics and Proteome Software Partner to Create Proteus-Analytics™

2 Apr 2007

GenoLogics, a leading developer of lab and data management software solutions for life sciences research, today announced the launch of Proteus-Analytics™, a new proteomics solution bundle. Proteus-Analytics is a tightly integrated solution that combines two best-in-class systems GenoLogics’ Proteus™ lab and data management solution with Proteome Software’s ScaffoldBatch Analysis System for protein identification visualization and validation.

GenoLogics and Proteome Software have partnered to offer proteomics researchers a lab and data management solution with unsurpassed integration and protein analysis capabilities. This cooperative effort was aided by GenoLogics’ and Proteome Software’s use of common java technologies, strong customer collaboration philosophies, and commitment to pursuing future product integrations.

Proteus-Analytics makes high throughput, high accuracy protein identification manageable, by combining an automated proteomics pipeline with focused peptide automated and manual validation. Proteus, the LIMS and data management component of Proteus-Analytics, is built on a configurable informatics platform. This platform is based on an open architecture which helps facilitate the tight integration to ScaffoldBatch, resulting in a comprehensive end-to-end solution for proteomics research.

CEO of Proteome Software, Mark Turner, said, “Proteus-Analytics enables high throughput proteomics labs to achieve confident protein identifications, by uniting the strengths of Proteus and ScaffoldBatch. Proteus’s strength is high throughput proteomics; Scaffold’s is improving the confidence in the proteins found – the result is an end-to-end solution that enables researchers to manage, store, and organize experimental data, and confidently validate protein identifications from tandem mass spectrometer data.”

James DeGreef, VP of Product Strategy at GenoLogics, stated, “We are really excited about the interest our current customers have already shown in this new product bundle. Over the next few months we expect many of our current Proteus customers will upgrade to Proteus-Analytics simply because of the obvious benefits this seamless product integration offers them, for a relatively small incremental cost and implementation effort.”

GenoLogics is focused on creating best-in-class solutions that address the challenges of lab management, sample tracking, instrument integration and automation – and most importantly contextual scientific data integration. GenoLogics is actively establishing partnerships with complementary genomics and proteomics companies to address the informatics requirements customers are asking for, and provide end-to-end solutions based on GenoLogics’ open, integrating, and configurable lab informatics platform, OMIX.

