Gentel Launches APiX™ Simian Pathogen Arrays for Serological Animal Health Screening

12 Oct 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Gentel Biosciences announces the availability of the first APiX™ Simian Pathogen Array, robust viral antigen arrays and chromogenic-based detection kits, suitable for screening for specific antibodies to pathogens in the sera of non-human primates (NHP).

The APiX Simian Pathogen Array, Version 1.0 is the first of several viral antigen arrays for screening Specific Pathogen-Free NHP colonies to ensure virus-free status. The APiX View™ Detection-Simian Pathogen reagent kit utilizes Gentel’s chromogenic detection system and is aligned with the Gentel Proteomics Multi-System™ and AthenaQuant® analysis software that offers an easy-to-use and cost-effective alternative to fluorescent and chemiluminescent detection. The all-inclusive, "sample-into-data" workflow empowers both experts and novices with the necessary tools to perform colony surveillance in one day.

“This product launch continues to expand the application of our APiX™ chromogenic detection technology to include antigen arrays for use in laboratory animal health applications”
."This product launch continues to expand the application of our APiX™ chromogenic detection technology to include antigen arrays for use in laboratory animal health applications,” said Alex Vodenlich, Gentel's President and CEO. "We're responding to the market's need for technologies that enable rapid, easy, and affordable high-throughput serological screening for animal health.” The ability to identify virus-specific antibodies in serum allows identification of exposure and is ideally suited for monitoring the health of laboratory animals. The APiX Simian Pathogen Array coupled with the APiX View Detection Kit is ideal for colony managers to routinely monitor the SPF status of their animals, to maintain high standards of animal and caretaker health and to provide confidence in the integrity of studies using these animals.

The Simian Pathogen Array is the first in a series of high-value animal health products and services that Gentel is commercializing. To learn more about how the APiX™ Simian Pathogen Array can augment your animal health workflow, please visit and find out how to take advantage of our “starter kit” offer. As an introductory offer to new customers, Gentel will provide a complimentary Gentel Proteomics Multi-System™ complete with AthenaQuant® analysis software as part of a “starter kit” bundle for colony screening.

