Gentronix Presents Further Validation for the High-Throughput Use of Genotoxicity Liability Screen GreenScreen HC at Drug Discovery

31 Aug 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Gentronix is committed to helping the pharmaceutical and related sectors reduce late-stage attrition by offering accurate and automatable tests for early liability screening by providing a wide range of Predictive toxicology and ADME assays.

GreenScreen products are cell based assays for use in genetic toxicity screening using simple, rapid and high-throughput protocols. GreenScreen is designed for use much earlier in drug discovery than the standard test battery for genotoxicity, and provides positive results that are more accurately predictive of in vivo risk than the current in vitro mammalian assays. Gentronix recently introduced BlueScreen HC to provide access to its technology with a luminescent readout.

Currently over 70 companies in 15 countries are using GreenScreen HC data as part of their genotoxicity profiling strategy in drug discovery.

• Most accurate genotoxicity screening tests available
Unique combination of high specificity and high sensitivity for genotoxic carcinogens
• Simple, robust and fast protocol
Microplate based assay with results in 48 hours using standard lab equipment
• Conservative use of compound
Enables earlier screening in drug discovery and hence more effective use of resources
• Additional genotoxicology follow up available: in vitro MNT and COMET.
• Predictive Toxicology services.
Mitochondiral Toxicity, CaCo-2, Cyp interaction, and many others

