Gold Standard Diagnostics Announces Global Launch of New, Fully Automated ELISA Platform: ThunderBolt™

16 Apr 2012
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Gold Standard Diagnostics, Corp. (GSD), a leading supplier of products and services to the medical diagnostic industry, announced today the global launch of their fully automated platform, the ThunderBolt™.

Now available worldwide through both direct and partnership distribution channels, the ThunderBolt provides laboratories around the globe with a powerful, simplified experience.

The ThunderBolt™ complements Gold Standard Diagnostic’s extensive product portfolio and outstanding customer service to deliver a total laboratory solution. Regardless of testing volume, the ThunderBolt™ benefits all types of laboratories with its powerful design and easy-to-use, flexible software.

Key Benefits of the ThunderBolt™:

• Maximize Flexibility - Universal open system
• Increase Throughput - Process up to 8 different assays with up to 192 total samples simultaneously.
• Consistent, Accurate and Reliable Results – Many patent pending features designed to produce quality results.
• Uptime Guaranteed – 24x7 support and remote diagnostics.
• Reclaim Valuable Bench Space – Smallest footprint of any comparable instrument.

