Gradientech Previews QuickMIC, an Ultra-Rapid IVD System for AST at ECCMID 2019

New system promises to deliver antibiotic susceptibility testing results in two hours to help avoid misuse of antibiotics in suspected sepsis patients

9 Apr 2019
Charlie Carter
Life Sciences Editor

Gradientech will be displaying its QuickMIC™ system for the first time at ECCMID, the world’s premier clinical microbiology & infectious diseases conference, taking place in Amsterdam on April 13-16 2019. During the ECCMID conference, the public will have the opportunity to preview the QuickMIC system and meet the experts behind its development.

QuickMIC is a precision system for ultra-rapid antibiotic susceptibility testing, designed to provide personalized treatment options for sepsis patients in record time. Currently, there is an urgent need for rapid solutions that can diagnose which antibiotics a sepsis patient should be treated with.

“Every hour counts, and the sooner you can find out which antibiotic is the propriate to treat with, the higher chance for the patient to survive” says Sara Thorslund, CEO of Gradientech. “We foresee that our IVD QuickMIC system, which is in final development, will make a real difference by determining phenotypic AST directly from positive blood culture of patients with sepsis in as short as 2 hours”, explains Sara.

By reducing inappropriate inpatient use of antibiotics, Gradientech strongly believes that QuickMIC will lead to increased survival rates, reduced healthcare costs and lower antibiotic resistance.

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