Greiner eHealth Technologies successful software launch at the GZO Hospital in Wetzikon, Switzerland

4 Nov 2020
Tom Casburn
Associate Editor

Together with Greiner eHealth Technologies, a business unit of Greiner Bio-One, the GZO Hospital in Wetzikon is the first Swiss hospital to introduce a fully digitized blood collection process.

Kremsmünster, September 2020 – Problems with manual labeling of tubes, difficulties reading important information, and problems with machine readability have now been a thing of the past for staff at the GZO hospital in Wetzikon since August 2020. Greiner eHealth Technologies has digitalized the entire blood collection process - from sample request to notification of findings.

Felicitas Kafader, Head of the Central Medical Laboratory at the GZO, is delighted with the new digitized blood collection facility. "Using the new system makes the entire blood collection process at the GZO even more efficient and ensures continued comprehensive quality assurance and transparent documentation of the individual steps.“

First contacts

The Greiner eHealth Technologies specialists from Greiner Bio-One GmbH (Austria) and Greiner Bio-One Vacuette GmbH (Switzerland) initially presented their demo software at the GZO in Wetzikon in June 2017. In January 2018, the future project team made a combined visit to a reference hospital in Austria, in which Greiner eHealth Technologies software has been successfully used since 2017. Convinced by what was seen at the Steyr pilot hospital, the joint project finally started in May: The starting signal for digitization of the blood collection process had been given.

Successful rollout

After intensive joint planning and implementation phases in the past two years, the project was finally successfully completed in July and August 2020 and the software was rolled out. "The organization of the Greiner eHealth Technologies project worked very well overall. Thanks to crisis-proof planning, we always had the certainty that the project could be carried out despite possible intensification of the Covid-19 pandemic measures," says Felicitas Kafader.

The new software is also popular with users in day-to-day practice. Positive feedback was received first and foremost the great support and helpfulness of the Greiner eHealth Technologies specialists from Austria and Switzerland, as well as the extensive training measures carried out with the staff on the hospital wards and in the laboratory on correct use of software and product.

The future is digitalization

Greiner eHealth Technologies is intensively involved in the digitalization of pre-analytics. The cooperation between Greiner eHealth Technologies and the respective hospital/laboratory information system of the customer enables an even safer and more efficient operation of the diagnostic process. The combination of the hospital/laboratory information system and Greiner eHealth Technologies, consisting of product (pre-barcoded blood collection tubes) and software, is therefore a complete solution optimized down to the last detail and for the customer's needs.

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