Hamamatsu Photonics Introduces the PMA-12 Spectrometer and Photo-Detector

22 Dec 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Hamamatsu Photonics introduces the PMA-12, a combined spectrometer and photo-detector offering a range of sensor options to meet the most demanding of user-requirements in an easy to use single unit.

The complete sensor lineup, standard CCD, high sensitivity back-thinned CCD and InGaAs are all cooled to ensure high-sensitivity across the full wavelength range from 200nm to 2350nm, with direct input through an optical fibre.

The PMA-12 comes with intuitive software for real-time measurements (it is also possible to simultaneously analyse multiple wavelengths) of standard characteristics such as emission, reflectance, transmittance and chromaticity etc with the spectral response and wavelength data all being fully calibrated for the internal PMA-12 components.

For applications requiring high-speed as well as high-sensitivity, the PMA-12 offers a back-thinned CCD coupled with an Image Intensifier that will allow gating times as low as 10ns. Data can be saved in a wide variety of formats for easy export to 3rd party software and interfacing is via USB 2.0.

