Hamilton and Promega Develop Protocol for Automated Plasmid DNA Purification

16 Jun 2009
Emily Marquez-Vega
Publishing / Media

Hamilton Robotics announces a tested and verified protocol for automation of the Promega Wizard SV 96 Plasmid DNA Purification System. Developed in collaboration with Promega, this high-throughput method purifies DNA from pelleted bacterial culture samples using Hamilton's MICROLAB® STAR liquid handling workstation.

The method processes up to 96 plasmid samples in 30 minutes or less with consistent results and no detectable cross-contamination. The purified plasmid can be used directly for automated fluorescent DNA sequencing, restriction enzyme digestion and other downstream molecular biology processes.

Many of today's molecular biology research applications require rapid isolation of pure plasmid DNA and automation can meet these high-throughput needs. The flexible Hamilton MICROLAB STAR workstation features unique air displacement pipetting and performs a range of liquid handling and vacuum-based tasks. This workstation can also be used with the Promega Wizard SV 96 PCR Clean-Up System, which requires a vacuum manifold, shaker and plate gripper in addition to liquid handling.

"Many of our customers use Hamilton workstations, so we are pleased to collaborate with them to create and optimize automated protocols," comments Sarah Shultz, senior automation scientist for Promega. "Their air displacement pipetting technology offers a number of unique advantages over other robotics systems."

"The Promega SV 96 Plasmid DNA Purification System is reliable and widely used," commented Rick Luedke, product manager for Hamilton Robotics. "We are pleased to add this to the automated solutions we can offer our customers."

