Hamilton Robotics Introduces the PCR setup NIMBUS: Easy PCR Setup Automation for Your Bench

21 Oct 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Hamilton introduces the new PCR setup NIMBUS, a compact pipetting workstation for benchtop use.

It offers ease-of-use and flexibility with Hamilton’s superior pipetting performance at a surprisingly affordable price.

Equipped with dedicated control software, the new PCR setup NIMBUS combines the intuitive approach of a manually created PCR with the benefits of automation, doing the cumbersome work in the background.

The resources needed, such as samples, controls and standards, primers and PCR mixes, can be selected from individually configurable selection- and drop down menus. The PCR labware, for example 96 PCR plates, can be designed completely free with the required resources and volumes.

It is only a few clicks to setup your PCR: from simple assays including two PCR components such as samples and primer-master mixes, to rather complex assays with up to seven components, for example with multiple primers or primer pairs.

Features/ Benefits:
• NIMBUS workstation configurable with 1 to 4 independent 1 ml pipetting channels, depending on your throughput and budget
• easy to use and time saving PCR setup software including Master Mix preparation and multiplexing functions
• “ready to use” configuration available but also individually configurable
• full PCR reagent flexibility
• designed for 96 PCR plates and PCR strips, but use of different labware such as RotorGene discs possible

